Hello, Welcome To My Personal Portfolio!
I'm John Soto, a passionate and dedicated developer from New York who recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in the spring of 2023. I have a strong passion for building innovative applications and websites that can make a positive impact on people's lives. I'm thrilled to share my journey, experiences, and projects with you.
Here are some of my proudest work!
Streamify service that allows users to stream content, including video games, music, and creative content. Watch what you love, connect with streamers, and chat with tons of communities.
A web application tailored for a youth Baseball organization in my community called King Academy based in New York. This organization that focuses on the player’s development.
Web application enabling users to check for the most recent MTA status alert and view the current MTA schedule in real time. MTA Never Late can provide information on service alerts and delays.
About Me
With a keen interest in the latest technologies and trends in the software industry, I am constantly striving to improve my skills and knowledge to become an exceptional developer. I have experience building web applications using tools such as Javascript, React/Nextjs, CSS, Mongodb, and Prisma. I'm ready to showcase my knowledge and skills in new opportunities.